Site Survey
After contracts are signed, the installer will come to your home to do a site survey where they will check your roof condition, obstructions, and ....

The surveyor will check your utility meter's position in relation to where the solar panels will be placed so the design of the system can begin ...

The installer will check your breaker box ...
200 amps with 2 blank slots needed
+ other electrical requirements ....

The installer will check your attic trusses to ensure that your roof
has the structural integrity to handle the solar panel load.....
(one solar panel typically weighs about 40 lbs )

The tilt on your roof is checked.
The steeper the roof, the more it costs to install solar.
A roof tilt over 33 degrees requires extra safety equipment for the installers.

With the site survey complete, your information is sent to the office so the Design & Permit process can begin...